Editorial Team


Janice Schroeder, Carleton University

Editorial Committee

Lauren Gillingham, University of Ottawa (Submissions Editor)

Ryan Stephenson, Douglas College (Book Reviews Editor)

Richa Dwor, Douglas College (Member at Large)

Tina Young Choi, York University (Member at Large)

Kristen Guest, University of Northern British Columbia (Member at Large)

Jeffrey Swim (Digital Dissemination Editor), University of Northern British Columbia

Editorial Advisory Board

Kirstie Blair, University of Stirling

Alison Chapman, University of Victoria

Christine Ferguson, University of Stirling

Monica Flegel, Lakehead University

Holly Furneaux, University of Leicester

Jill Galvan, Ohio State University

Pamela Gilbert, University of Florida

Nathan Hensley, Georgetown University

Natalie Houston, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Priti Joshi, University of Puget Sound

Lara Karpenko, Carroll University

Mark Knight, Lancaster University

Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Toronto Metropolitan University

Charles LaPorte, University of Washington

Caroline Levine, Cornell University

Nancy Rose Marshall, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Richard Menke, University of Georgia

John Miller, University of Sheffield

Daniel A. Novak, University of Alabama

Clare Pettitt, Cambridge University

Talia Schaffer, Graduate Center, CUNY

Sally Shuttleworth, St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford

Tabitha Sparks, McGill University

Martha Stoddard Holmes, California State University, San Marcos

Amy Woodson-Boulton, Loyola Marymount University